Friday, April 25, 2008

They Give of Themselves to Inspire, Guide and Help - 1962

Again the Athletic Association members meet to discuss future plans for the athletic banquet and the upcoming picnic. Throughout the year the association sponsors the Cathedral athletic program. Officers are president, Charles Brookins; vice president, Harold Ruckert; treasurer, Leo Novak; secretary, Charles Shea,; and athletic director Father Richard Ratajaczk.

A pleasing personality, cooperation, and reliability are the distinguishing characteristics of Mrs. Wesley Frahm, the school office secretary. These personal qualities have made Mrs. Frahm a friend to both faculty members and students.

Cathedral students benefit from the well balanced nutritional lunches prepared by Miss Ann Floeter, Food Service Supervisor of St. Mary's Cafeteria.

Representative of the many active members of Cathedral's Home and School Association who participated in this year's school projects are (l to r): Mrs. Henry Kurecka, Mrs. Leo Novak, Mrs. Hanford Topham, Jr., president; Mrs. Charles F. Shea, and Mrs. Robert Topham. The association has long been distinguished for its fine spirit of cooperation and a well balanced parent-teacher relationship.

Airy Nothings - 1920

Father Caldwell upon entering a drawing room alone, found it lined with mirrors on all four sides. Finding himself reflected in every direction, he remarked, "Ah, I see! There appears to be a meeting of the clergy here, and there seems to be a very respectable appearance."

Many of the yearbooks had pages of little poems, quotes and short writings included - here are some from 1920:

"Old father Hubbard
Went to the cupboard
To get his poor self a drink;
But as he drew nigh,
The country went dry,
So he got him a drink
at the sink."

The man in the crowded car had his eyes closed when the conductor reached him.
"Wake up" commanded the conductor.
"I'm not asleep," answered the passenger. "I only closed my eyes because I hate to see so many ladies standing."

Burton, contemplatively in Civics - "I wonder how much money there is in the world?"
Dwyer - "Try to borrow a quarter and you'll find out."

'Twas the night before pay day
And all through my jeans
I searched in vain for the price of some beans.
Not a quarter was stirring
Not even a jit,
The kale was off duty,
Milled edges had quit.
Forward, turn forward, Oh! time in your flight
Make it tomorrow just for tonight.

Sister to little girls - "What should you do to make a good confession?"
Little girl - "Wait until everybody comes out, then go in."

George R. - "Why do the Irish love Ireland?"
Frank B. - "That's easy, for the same reason the French love France."

There was an old lady of Crewe
Who was horribly frighted of flu.
She spoilt her complexion
Through fear of infection
Having fixed on a gas mask with glue.

When the donkey saw a zebra,
He began to switch his tail,
"Well, I never," was his comment,
"There's a mule that's been to jail.

All-School Assembly - A Prelude to Halloween - 1967

The junior and senior glee club joined forces under the direction of Sister Louis Ann, music director, to present a Halloween Assembly for the faculty and student body. Folk songs were sung a'la hootenanny; noses were pinned on pumpkins by blindfolded faculty and student competitors; ol' clothes relays were run and won. The entire affair was informal and relaxed. Music was supplied by piano, guitars and drums. Songs that both glee clubs had practiced for weeks were finally heard.

This presentation by the glee club was the second this year. Under Sister's direction, our singers performed for St. Mary's parishioners old and new at our Centennial dinner October 2. The songs were "Processional" and "Far Away Places." The songs' high point of the program was the lovely "Bells of St. Mary's" which invited and received warm and tearful audience participation.

Building the School - 1921

Memories of Senior Year
As we walked down Hoyt Avenue during the summer months and took notice of our new school, or rather of its frame, we inwardly rejoiced at the thought that it would be impossible to resume our studies before late October or early November; but pupils propose and teachers dispose.

Upon entering school in September, we found the basement of the church, now known as the "catacombs", ready for use. We seniors did not quite know how to act, for glancing backward at the partition of our room made us think we were camping, and looking sideward at the pews on end, would have us believe we were in church, but when our gaze rested upon Sister's desk in the front of the room, we knew only too well we were in school.

Excitement was keen when on a certain Monday morning in early February we were ushered with much pomp and ceremony into our long-desired new quarters. How the clean bright walls dazzled our eyes! How proud we felt to be once more in a real class-room!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Cathedral Students Find New Meaning in Mass - 1972

Top Left: At the Golden Mass for Thanksgiving, Pierre Thouzellier offers a can of food which Mark Meibeyer and Carl Real place in boxes for distribution to the poor.
Top Right: Jane Hendrick and Brian Bailie receive Communion from Monsignor Forbes at the Thanksgiving Golden Mass.
Bottom Left: Alma Gomez, Oswald Urivez and Tim Looby prepare to bring to the altar the offering of bread and wine for the first Mass of the Year.
Bottom Right: As the Human Person Religion class celebrates Mass in the Convent Chapel, Diane Brezezkiewicz and Maria Rendon provide music while Karen Orosco and Mary Urivez sing.

Today everyone is searching for purpose in conventional church practices - even the Mass is being revised - but its meaning is always the same.

Sometimes the Mass is conducted in a more informal manner in order that Cathedral students may find a deeper meaning. More emphasis was placed on the Mass as a celebration of Christ's Resurrection.

Many Masses that were offered throughout the school year at the Cathedral for students gave them spiritual enlightenment. The Golden Masses profit many needy families in the parish area.

It was the cooperation of students and faculty that made these Masses possible. It is hoped that through their help they will continue to be successful.

Religion Class - 1958

A group of juniors: D. Bieri, C. Naismith, C. Poorman and G. Frahm listen intently as Father Lynch explains a point in their religion class that has them puzzled.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Councils Serve Students in a Variety of Ways - 1973

Student Council, seated: Sandee Packard, Bill Rousseau, Joe Keyes, Lori Sullivan, Sr. Carmelita. Second Row: Cathy Sting, Janey Shea, Linda Zummer, Louie Witchger, Connie James, Paul Keller. Third Row: Dennis Schneider, Willie Young, Rick Dice and Eva Trevino.

Student Council was a great service to Cathedral students and faculty. Through their many hours of work and the patience of theri advisor, Sr. Carmelita, the handbook was revised over the summer of '72 and accepted in February. During the fall the student council helped with the Right-to-Life campaign (Where a large group of Crusaders worked tirelessly against Proposal B which successfully defeated legislation to permit abortion in Michigan.) The Christmas dance-party-singalong was also the result of their efforts, ending the year.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Academic - 1963

Dan Ciszecky, Emil Ognisanti and Jim Keyes check their calculations.

Members James Keyes, Barbara Brown, Mary McIntyre, Judi Schiavone, Pamela Morse, Kathleen Shea, and Mary Hausbeck brief themselves on the rules of the National Honor Society.

To know, love and serve God should be the ultimate in our education. The education we are receiving here at St. Mary Cathedral is the fundamental link in our transformation from youth to adulthood. The education we acquire now will enable us to live a life of love and srvice, not only to God, but also to our coutnry and our fellow man. St. Mary's curriculum presents to us every possible way to prepare for the future. By linking ourselves to God through cultivation of the mind we will be able to conquer any form of tyranny set before us.

Saginaw East Catholic School - 1983

Mr. Cole distributes American Lit awards to Rene Fulgencio, Archie Tullos, Erika Trevino, Geri Jastrzembowski and Michele Allen.

St. Mary Cathedral was now called Saginaw East Catholic School. The year - 1983.

The new system was a big success for everyone involved. It was a consolidation of three schools, St. Mary's, St. Casimir's and Our Lady Help of Christians. With the new system came many new changes and adjustments. The head administrator of the system is Mrs. Barbara Geary. She was formally the principal for grades one through eight at St. Mary's. She has done an excellent job and felt very positive about the whole thing.

When the three schools were joined as one, it caused many difficulties for the people who lived near one campus and had to go to another. As a solution there was a charter bus service free of charge from one campus to another. Also for a fee, there was a bus that would pick you up at your house.

Grades K through third were placed at St. Casimir. Fourth through sixth at Our Lady Help of Christians. These two campuses were headed by the principal, Sister Marie.

Grades seven through twelve were located at St. Mary. The principal there was Mr. Jack Sochowicz. Also located at St. Mary's was a Day care center. It was directed by Sister Lucy. It was located in the old Acquin hall.

The new system was a great success. With the great efforts of the administrators and everyone involved it was a positive and successful consolidations.