Friday, April 25, 2008

Airy Nothings - 1920

Father Caldwell upon entering a drawing room alone, found it lined with mirrors on all four sides. Finding himself reflected in every direction, he remarked, "Ah, I see! There appears to be a meeting of the clergy here, and there seems to be a very respectable appearance."

Many of the yearbooks had pages of little poems, quotes and short writings included - here are some from 1920:

"Old father Hubbard
Went to the cupboard
To get his poor self a drink;
But as he drew nigh,
The country went dry,
So he got him a drink
at the sink."

The man in the crowded car had his eyes closed when the conductor reached him.
"Wake up" commanded the conductor.
"I'm not asleep," answered the passenger. "I only closed my eyes because I hate to see so many ladies standing."

Burton, contemplatively in Civics - "I wonder how much money there is in the world?"
Dwyer - "Try to borrow a quarter and you'll find out."

'Twas the night before pay day
And all through my jeans
I searched in vain for the price of some beans.
Not a quarter was stirring
Not even a jit,
The kale was off duty,
Milled edges had quit.
Forward, turn forward, Oh! time in your flight
Make it tomorrow just for tonight.

Sister to little girls - "What should you do to make a good confession?"
Little girl - "Wait until everybody comes out, then go in."

George R. - "Why do the Irish love Ireland?"
Frank B. - "That's easy, for the same reason the French love France."

There was an old lady of Crewe
Who was horribly frighted of flu.
She spoilt her complexion
Through fear of infection
Having fixed on a gas mask with glue.

When the donkey saw a zebra,
He began to switch his tail,
"Well, I never," was his comment,
"There's a mule that's been to jail.

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