Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Cathedral Students Find New Meaning in Mass - 1972

Top Left: At the Golden Mass for Thanksgiving, Pierre Thouzellier offers a can of food which Mark Meibeyer and Carl Real place in boxes for distribution to the poor.
Top Right: Jane Hendrick and Brian Bailie receive Communion from Monsignor Forbes at the Thanksgiving Golden Mass.
Bottom Left: Alma Gomez, Oswald Urivez and Tim Looby prepare to bring to the altar the offering of bread and wine for the first Mass of the Year.
Bottom Right: As the Human Person Religion class celebrates Mass in the Convent Chapel, Diane Brezezkiewicz and Maria Rendon provide music while Karen Orosco and Mary Urivez sing.

Today everyone is searching for purpose in conventional church practices - even the Mass is being revised - but its meaning is always the same.

Sometimes the Mass is conducted in a more informal manner in order that Cathedral students may find a deeper meaning. More emphasis was placed on the Mass as a celebration of Christ's Resurrection.

Many Masses that were offered throughout the school year at the Cathedral for students gave them spiritual enlightenment. The Golden Masses profit many needy families in the parish area.

It was the cooperation of students and faculty that made these Masses possible. It is hoped that through their help they will continue to be successful.

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